We would like to thank NAO student, registered manual osteopath, Claire Chung, for referring seven colleagues who enrolled in the September 2024 DOMP class at the National Academy of Osteopathy She let these future manual osteopaths know that Dr Pourgol will be guiding them on their path to financial success.
It’s heartening to see that many of our students come from referrals by our alumni, which truly reflects their satisfaction with the education they received at NAO. 
Here is a message she sent to Dr Pourgol:
“Dr. Pourgol, your contributions to people around the world are truly remarkable. I can’t thank you enough, along with your dedicated team, for making the National Academy of Osteopathy such a beautiful and professional institution. I always share with others how you and NAO will help them achieve success.”

Did you know some of the top athletes in the world have studied osteopathy at National Academy of Osteopathy?

Professor Raz Chan, DOMP is one such athlete. Professor Chan is a 2nd Degree Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt who own one of the most successful BJJ centers in Canada.

Here is a message received by NAO president today:


“Hi Dr Pourgol,

I hope you are doing well. I still follow you on FB. I’m so happy for the success of NAO as I was a student there when it all began.
I just wanted to reach out to you to thank you for being a great success mentor to me. I have taken all your teachings and applied them to my life over the years.

Many thanks,

Professor Raz Chan
2nd Degree Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt”

$150,000 Per Year

We teach NAO students over 250 business management lectures to ensure they become wealthy manual osteopaths.
Here is what manual osteopath Dani Reid, who practices in London, Ontario sent to NAO president:
“Thank you Dr Pourgol! You are an inspiration to me! Thanks for being the best teacher in the world.”
“Your help has been immeasurable. I’m so booked I haven’t had time to implement a quarter of your tips from business lectures. Thank you!”
NAO students make $150,000 per year on average, which is $60,000 more than what other manual osteopaths make. We offer a one-year DOMP program, online worldwide or on-campus at our York University Heights campus in Toronto. Alumni can join College of Registered Manual Osteopaths in Canada to become a Registered Manual Osteopath (RMO) with the ability to bill most Canadian extended health plan insurers.
Join us, study osteopathy at National Academy of Osteopathy and secure your future.

Dr. Pourgol received this beautiful postcard (along with some Italian goodies) from Gina Faubert, a National Academy of Osteopathy student

Basically the two people who were initial catalysts that put me on the path I am right now in life. I didn’t really know EXACTLY where I wanted to go, but I did know that my Bachelor of Arts degree wasn’t doing anything for my professional life. I knew I wanted to do something in the health field, because I have seen firsthand how chronic pain keeps you from your potential, and I know many struggle with it and bodily disfunction.

Originally, I wanted to be a chiropractor, but I also didn’t really know if anything else was actually out there. I happened to research and learned of osteopathy, which is currently a completely invisible health option in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and MOSTLY unheard of within the province. Even within NB’s local medical and manual therapy communities, DOMPs **and** DOs are not understood. It’s mostly “transplants” from bigger cities that know of our growing professions (anything with “osteo” in the name, really), not the locals.

I want to support myself (and dreams), care for my mother, and financially support causes I care about, and NAO has taught me the science behind our healthful techniques and ideologies, while also, UNIQUELY, teaching us how to have business “hustle,” and smarts, that Dr. Pourgol has honed over decades. Through his own research and mistakes, he is attempting to save us from the same follies, allowing us to concentrate more on the important aspects of life: having the means to appreciate more opportunities, and give back to our areas, to build a better Canada through successful business people, manual practitioners, and healthier people.

Dr. Pourgol may be the first member of NAO’s team of highly experienced, and diversely educated teaching team of doctors and practitioners, but it’s important to recognize that he is the first of many who have invested themselves, directly and indirectly, to students’ growth.

Another person to thank is Stephanie Lim (the Nao Registrar), who seems to be the heart of NAO and its daily operations. She may not be teaching, but she is doing so many things for everyone in her quiet end of the academy.

… SHE ALONE is actually to thank for me CHOOSING this little campus as my school, and DOMP as my profession of choice. Online was overwhelming, and it’s hard to really describe an adequate definition for DOMP (since we can do so much for people), so many online job descriptions were lacking and contradictory… yet she “convinced” me of NAO’s quality, message and scope through her enthusiasm, understanding of my worries/confusion, experience with NAO and her huge amount of knowledge regarding everything that makes NAO what it is. She’s the one who answers the phone calls, emails and Facebook messages for NAO, so…. She’s a lot like the literal heart of our school, and she has contributed just as much to the NAO experience all of our instructors, just behind the scenes. She doesn’t work hard for praise, but for results she (seems) to take pride in.
Thank you to ALL OF MY INSTRUCTORS AND CLASSMATES, especially those with health backgrounds that were patient with my lack of experience, and kindly helped me for naught in return. I’m TERRIBLE with names, (and many people’s names I don’t want to misspell), but know I will remember the important things you have given me: memories, knowledge, and your time.
To all that have helped (at least) me, I hope I can become a DOMP worthy of your efforts to help/teach me. ❤️

And there’s my rant! Sorry to anyone who thinks I’m being a “brown-noser”, but I’m someone who believes in being humble, showing gratitude (and being actively grateful), the general importance of communication and letting people KNOW of the existence of possible, beneficial paths they can take in life… and that you are not a failure if it takes you until 30, or older, to become successful.

I had to really LOOK to find a profession right for me. New professions are being created all the time, and there are many we don’t even realize exist (NAO opened the year I graduated high school… no way little NB was going to have many aware of what osteo even is/was!).

Good luck to everyone graduating tomorrow! I look forward to your future accomplishments as osteopaths, and health professionals. ❤️

A post by National Academy of Osteopathy student, Dr. Hadi Jahan:

Yesterday was the longest day in my entire life! I completed 10 exams in 14 hours! 😀
Although I am a physiotherapist, and I have a master’s and PhD in Rehabilitation but the knowledge I have learned was new and different, especially the Business lectures.
Thank you Dr. Pourgol and the NAO for this unforgettable experience. ❤️

A message by British Columbia based National Academy of Osteopathy student, Don Desrosiers:

Dr. Pourgol,
You are a true ambassador for osteopathy. Your vision is leaving a permanent imprint in the field of wellness. Thank you for all your continual efforts.

A post sent to Professor Pourgol from Melanie Still, a relative of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, founder of osteopathy.

“I am so amazed at everything you are doing for osteopathy. I am only a cousin to AT Still but how proud I am to be related to someone who had such a remarkable impact for people globally. I am sure AT would probably have lots of cheers and congratulations for you!!”

– Melanie Still

A post by an American student of National Academy of Osteopathy, osteopathic manual practitioner/naprapath, Dr. Shanna Arno, DOMP, DN who practices manual osteopathy and naprapathy in Vancouver, Washington (USA):
“I love that I added Naprapathy to my private practice – it’s awesome to be both a manual osteopath and a naprapath.”
A beautiful post by National Academy of Osteopathy student Joshua Sibley

The community of NAO is one I am proud to be part of. During my studies I have met amazing Health Professionals that share their love for Manual Osteopathy and this has only encouraged me to go full out into this profession! I am excited to continue my journey into National University of Medical Sciences, but I am most excited about the amazing members that support each other throughout this environment Dr Pourgol has established for us!

Dr. Pourgol received this beautiful postcard (along with some Italian goodies) from Gina Faubert, a National Academy of Osteopathy student

A great big thank you to the best professor and your dedicated team. You always go above and beyond! Your generosity, support and commitment to your students is what makes NAO special. So grateful to be a part of this community.

From: Gina Faubert

A beautiful post by National Academy of Osteopathy graduate in Alberta, osteopathic manual practitioner, Paolo Manalo, DOMP

Osteopathy Works!
Thank you Jesus for the opportunity and the ability to help people have a Pain Free Life! And to restore their body’s normal function!

Thank you National Academy of Osteopathy for introducing me to Osteopathy! Now I have the most rewarding career. There’s nothing that can beat helping people experience solutions for their Chronic Pain.

If you want to become a health practitioner, I highly recommend becoming a Manual Osteopath and to experience Osteopathy.

Please study at NAO! Because it’s the best Manual Medicine school out there. No bias!

Osteopathy has a holistic approach to treatment and finds the root cause of your pain.

Thank you Dr. Shawn Pourgol for always going extra miles for us to become a better Osteopathic Manual Practitioner in practice, business, and in life!
Thank you for pushing us to dream big, but at the same time to have fun in life and to appreciate God’s goodness!

A beautiful post from a recent NAO graduate:

I would like to thank National Academy of Osteopathy for offering me a new career path in healthcare. The school has allowed me to take care of my health and related family members’ health on an expert level. I have used the techniques I learned in school to alleviate back pain for my brothers, neck mobility for my sister, visceral therapy to assist my father during his terminal illness and many others. The school has improved and expanded my skill set to become a knowledgeable therapist. Now I am on my journey to pursue my own clinic; the Spine Mobility and Osteopathy. NAO also has a strong support group that allows you to continue learning and growing the vision of owning a successful business. Thank you Dr Pourgol for giving me a new journey in my life that I am truly passionate about and truly enjoy.

Loi Hua, BSc, DOMP
1658 Asgard Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
Tel.: (647) 448-6655

National Academy of Osteopathy is amazing!!

Our students love NAO (& we love them also)!

Here is a beautiful post from registered manual osteopath/Yoga teacher Yazdan Raees, DOMP, RMO who practices in the beaches area in Toronto.

My experience in NAO was very interesting and I learned alot. The approach used by the founder of NAO, Dr. Pourgol is very unique. Not only you learn alot during the course but your learning never stops after.

Most importantly you grow in many ways, not only as a therapist and practitioner but also as a business person, as a clinic owner, as an educator, even as a better and more positively impactful human.

You learn the skills to help people live pain free but also how to improve your own quality of life. The curriculum is very diverse and always improving that comes with the flexible and scientific approach that keeps getting better year after year.

The support of NAO does not stop after graduation and you keep getting genuine support for as long as you are open to it. The skills you learn about managing your clinic, growing your practice and also in investment is extremely valuable.

I went to NAO wanting to learn a very specific aspect of Osteopathy but it opened my mind into so many tools Osteopathy offers us as practitioners to help others.

I would say NAO is a great place to start or continue your journey and you become a part of a global family that is very unique, modern and filled with interesting people you meet and things that you learn to always keep you ahead and make a better version of yourself.

A beautiful post from a student of National Academy of Osteopathy.

Thank you so much NAO

My time spent with NAO was a very enjoyable experience . I found online was very beneficial as I could see the classes as many times as I wanted. And whenever I asked questions they were always answered. The forums and private groups all the students worked to help one another. It was a great learning experience. I enjoyed it so much I went on to NUMSS and continued studies. That also was equally as great and just built upon the knowledge previous . The business classes are extremely beneficial and after graduation whenever I had questions or issues the private groups and staff were always there to help. I plan to continue learning with them as now they are like family . Even currently I continue to improve my work as an osteopath.

Thomas Elisseou, PhD, DO, BScO, DOMP

A message received yesterday from Karin Ann, a National Academy of Osteopathy student who practices in London, Ontario:

Hi Dr. Pourgol:

I was nominated as the Gold winner in the best manual osteopathy clinic in London (Ontario). NAO graduates are taking London by storm!!! ❤️

There is a clinic belonging to graduates of Canadian Academy of Osteopathy a block from me and in the last 90 days, 19 of their patients have found me and switched to my care Completely unprompted by me. They’re just finding I have higher empathy, I’m kind, I get quicker and longer results and overall provide better care. ❤️

I cannot thank you enough 🙏🏼🙏🏼 You have literally changed the trajectory of my life.

?I received a beautiful letter from a student ?

“You are the best Dr. Pourgol. I have never seen an educator, owner of any institution care so much for their students and graduates well being. You exemplify fully the laws that govern the universe wherein you should prosper and in turn you help those who helped you. I have never seen such care ever. I tell everyone about your business classes and how accurate you were. These are information for successful business foundations.”

My 250 business lessons are what makes our osteopathy education unique and one of the reasons why my students make $150,000 per year, which is $60,000 more than what other manual osteopaths make annually.

Dr. Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD
NAO President

New NAO Graduate Fully Booked Making $840 per day!

It was so nice to meet one of my students yesterday. Dr. Alireza Saadati, RT, PT, OT, DOMP is an Iranian occupational therapist who moved to Canada a few years ago. He recently graduated from the DOMP program of National Academy of Osteopathy. As a recent NAO graduate, he is enjoying a fully booked osteopathy practice seeing 6 patients a day at $140 per hour, making $840 per day (about $20,000 per month or $240,000 per year). He attributes his success to my 250 business lectures as well as the ability of osteopathy in treating chronic pain.

This is what separates NAO from other schools. Any school can teach osteopathy. Noone can graduate successful manual osteopaths like NAO. This is because I teach my students all I know about business.
For an appointment with Dr Saadati please call 647-913-4444 or email him at drali@osteo-rehab.ca.

Join us. Study osteopathy at NAO and secure your future.
Dr. Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD

RMO has 3 Months Waiting List!

NAO alumni have average annual income of $150,000 which is $60,000 more than other manual osteopaths. We graduate successful manual osteopaths because we teach them more techniques than other schools as well as teaching them over 250 business management lectures.

Registered manual osteopath Elizabeth Felix, DOMP, RMO who practices in Harriston, Ontario is a National Academy of Osteopathy graduate and a member of the College of Registered Manual Osteopaths. She is so happy with her education that she referred her daughter to study osteopathy at NAO. Referring a family member is the utmost show of trust and happiness in what NAO offers. Here is her letter:

“Dr. Pourgol; I just wanted to say thank you.
My daughter, Emma is a student at NAO, she loves it. She practices on my patients and they’ve been very impressed with her skill and knowledge.
Emma is also autistic, actually, she was none verbal until around seven years old. The pediatrician said she, when asked what I could expect her life to be, replied she would have to live in a group home… You wouldn’t know it today though. She’s so incredibly talented. The sky truly is the limit.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you because I don’t know if she would have gotten this opportunity elsewhere. Working as a manual osteopath increases her earning potential and her quality of life. She will be independent and will one day take over the business. Which, by the way is thriving. I have a three months waitlist and patients that drive from St. Catherine’s, Oakville, Hamilton, Guelph and Collingwood to see us!
I want to share Emma’s story because honestly anything is possible. I’m so grateful to NAO not only for Emma’s opportunities but for mine, my business grew exponentially and I now get referrals from physicians.
Thank you again!
PS. 50 percent of my patient base is on cash basis as you recommended!”

? Association President Booked Solid for 6 Months! Ten years of pain gone in one visit! Patient registers at NAO to become a manual osteopath himself! ?

“I would like to personally thank Dr Pourgol and National Academy of Osteopathy for having this DOMP program. Osteopathy is my path and my purpose. Everyday I am so grateful to make positive changes in my patients. I have been booking up to 6 months in advance without any formal advertising, only through verbal referrals from my patients. The highest compliment a practitioner can receive from a patient is when their severe chronic cervical pain persistent for over 10 years, significantly reduced in one session. And a week later the patient decides to join NAO to become a Manual Osteopath! And this patient tried many therapies over his 10 year struggle and found minimal relief. And that’s just one story, I have convinced many to join our profession and I will continue to do so because in the world we are living in now, it needs a lot of healing.”

Dr. George Sandhu, DC, DOMP, RMO
Chiropractor & Registered Manual Osteopath
Canadian Manual Osteopathic Association
A graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy

#studyosteopathy #nationalacademyofosteopathy #naocanada #iloveosteopathy #weloveosteopathy #canadianmanualosteopathicassociation #osteopathy #osteopathie #osteopathyworks #osteopath #manualosteopathy #manualosteopath #registeredmanualosteopath #DOMP #osteopathicmanualpractitioner

What makes our education different is our 250 business management lectures. They are the reason why National Academy of Osteopathy graduates make $150,000 per year which is $60,000 more than other manual osteopaths. Here is a beautiful letter from a National Academy of Osteopathy student in Brampton, Ontario:

Also Dr. Pourgol, I just wanted to thank you for your business lectures, I’ve learned so much from them & you changed my viewpoint of everything in life in a positive way!

You are not just an osteopathy teacher and doctor. You are also a psychologist, motivational speaker, lawyer, accountant, stand up comedian, all in one. So thank you!

Take care Doctor!
Onkar Bedi


Completely Booked for 2020. Booking appointments for 2021!

NAO president, Dr. Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD received this message from an NAO student, manual osteopath, Karin Ann Lorento, MSc., DOMP (a recent graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy) who practices in London, Ontario (Canada):

“Dr Pourgol;
Thanks to all your business lectures, I’m currently booking into 2021 ?? Not a single time spot left in 2020!”

We graduate successful manual osteopaths because we teach them everything we know about business in over 250 business management lectures. That is why NAO students have annual gross income of $150,000 which is $60,000 higher than what other manual osteopaths make.


You can study osteopathy in many schools across Canada. However to become a successful manual osteopath, there is only National Academy of Osteopathy!
Our DOMP program has over 200 business management lectures. These lectures are the reason why NAO graduates make $150,000 per year, $60,000 more than other manual osteopaths.

Here is a letter from Teresa Nieman, DOMP, RMO one of our graduates in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia who has a fully booked practice after graduating from NAO:

Greetings Dr. Pourgol!
I’ve been practicing osteopathy for four years now. I am good at what I do and I represent NAO well.
Thank you!


A post published on LinkedIn by NAO student, osteopath, Hep (Alvin) Rebellon who works in Dubai, UAE.


Previously, mainstream osteopathic schools and their alumni thought of Dr. Pourgol’s vision for online osteopathic education was inadequate by providing its schools curriculum all online.

In my opinion those schools are not visionaries as they failed to harness the full potential of digital learning in their osteopathic educational programs and have chosen to stay with the traditional classroom learning setting. Dr. Pourgol is leading by years away in providing online osteopathy education.

Honestly, I chose to study under Dr. Pourgol’s institutions (National Academy of Osteopathy & then National University of Medical Sciences) due to their proactive effort to uplift the osteopathic profession, their continuous innovations in education and learning platform, the professional support that they provide to their graduates, and to get a cost-effective education (which other schools are shying away from). Kudos to Dr. Pourgol and the faculty of both schools in Canada and Spain.

Dr Pourgol, Thank you for your vision. Please do share this in your network – so more people can have the privilege to benefit from your vision, knowledge, experiences and teachings. Many thanks Dr. Pourgol. Looking forward to meet you in person one day.

Certified athletic therapist Nichelle Thomson is an exceptional athlete who has won a number of beauty pageants in Canada, including the 2012 Miss North Ontario Pageant and best talent Miss Teen Canada World 2012. Below is a post she wrote on why she chose to study at NAO:

For me, it’s all about quality over quantity. National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO), is the only school world-wide that offers manual osteopathy in six months, five days a week, for students with prior health backgrounds. During these six months, we practice hands-on techniques daily. Since I am primarily a hands-on learner, this aspect was very important to me and made NAO stand out.

Although everyone’s way of learning is different and some may prefer to go to school once a month for three to five years, for me, NAO’s method of delivery suited my academic needs more effectively. Not to mention NAO’s extensive business lectures! This alone puts NAO above every other school as no one else offers business lectures on how to run a successful practice/clinic. And who better to learn it from than from someone how has actually done it themselves!

After watching over 160 of Dr. Pourgol’s business and ethics lecture videos, I have exemplary confidence and I know I will continue to expand on the knowledge he has taught me. I am no longer intimidated by the thought of running my own clinic(s).

When someone can manage to successfully combine both therapeutic skills and business smarts in one program, you create highly competent practitioners who can better serve the public. And for this I will be forever grateful. Thank you NAO! Thank you Dr. Pourgol!

Nichelle Thomson

NAO Student – Class of September 2017

Chiropractor / manual osteopath, Liza Egbogah, DC, DOMP with George Clooney.

Dr Liza is a graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy. She has many celebrities as clients.

Here is what Dr Egbogah posted on her blog about why she chose to study osteopathy:

The main reason I chose to pursue osteopathy instead of chiropractic is that while chiropractic focuses primarily on spinal manipulation, osteopathy involves head to toe treatment to help the body work more efficiently. Whether someone has a wrist fracture, back pain or a knee injury, manual osteopaths will treat the entire body to optimize functioning. I have always felt that with the multitude of interconnections in the body, addressing the entire system is the only way to effectively treat.

Did you know Dr Pourgol’s sister Shirin is a manual osteopath?

Here is a testimonial she received from her patient Shawna Robbins that is suffering from chronic pain.

Osteopathy offers the most effective treatment system for chronic pain. Most patients manual osteopaths see are the last resort cases. They truly do miracles with their hands, treating cases where all else failed.

Without a doubt we have the coolest teacher ever!

You are positive, funny, kind, & compassionate.
You are a builder!
You motivate!
You inspire!
I’m so happy to have chosen NAO! I am grateful for the positive learning environment you provide us with.

You’re the best teacher ever!!!

Alina Turturica

This is a post written about Professor Shawn Pourgol by our student, massage therapist Alina Turturica from Romania who is studying osteopathy at the York University Heights campus of National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto.

Thank you Alina for the kind words.

Satisfied Patient & Student

Online educated osteopath, Ann Shivas, DOMP a graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy and ex-member of Canada’s national soccer team treated Mark in Montreal (Quebec). There are many individuals who after receiving treatments from our alumni became our students. This demonstrates the osteopathic skills of our graduates. Here is the email received from Mark:

Hi Dr. Pourgol,

I just wanted to thank you for the incredible learning experience I had with NAO. You are definitely invested in your student’s success and we feel it.

When it came time for me to look at schools offering manual Osteopathy as part of their curriculum, I did my due diligence and gathered objective evidence as part of my decision process. I not only researched various options but also communicated with graduates of the target schools and, whenever possible, had face-to-face meetings with representatives. For NAO, I was lucky enough to have my initial face-to-face with Ann Shivas who took time out of her busy practice to answer all of my questions and put to rest any potential concerns I may have had. I subsequently followed up with Ann for a treatment and was so impressed with her approach and follow up that I decided to pursue a career in manual Osteopathy from NAO immediately thereafter.

Prior to Ann’s treatment, I had received years of osteopathic manual therapy from a plethora of top practitioners trained both in Europe and Canada. After Ann’s treatment, I not only considered her to be an impressive ambassador of NAO …… but also my new benchmark of manual osteopathic excellence!

Some may consider my decision-making process to be a bit extreme, but I feel my years involved in the aerospace engineering industry has, to an extent, shaped who I am today. In the aerospace industry, to make mistakes is forgivable….but to catch them is imperative! I can now say, with no reserve, that my research efforts paid off and that joining NAO in their DOMP program was one of the best investments in time, effort, and energy I have made to date.

All the best,

Mark MacNeil

37 New Patients with 1 Hour of Marketing!

Our osteopathic education is unique because we emphasis heavily on business management. We teach students everything we know about business management. This is the main reason why we graduate so many successful manual osteopaths.

Here is a message sent by Maria Triassi, one of our osteopathy students in Quebec (Canada):

Hi Dr Pourgol! I wanted to thank you again for all your help and knowledge! I used one of your business lecture teachings to get more business and within one hour I got 37 responses to book for treatments!!!!

I went directly to my target market and asked for their help as you suggested and the messaging hasn’t stopped yet!

Our student from Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada), Dr Doaa El Sammak, MD (Egypt) published this post on her FB page.

Dear Dr Shawn Pourgol, I really want to thank you for your great help and support you always show towards your students. I felt that you gave us all your whole experience with a very professional and honest way.

You have an amazing personality and a loving Soul that influence all your students. Thank you for my amazing learning journey through this program and beautiful friendships I made during this training. We love osteopathy and we Love you too.

Athletes Love Osteopathy!

Did you know many professional athletes, including Olympic level members of Canadian national teams have chosen to study osteopathy with us?

Athletes are generally inclined to learn more about their own bodies and health. Osteopathy provides a career for them that they can use in their athletic work as well.

Here is a post by our student, Emily Herman (from Halifax, Nova Scotia, a Canadian fitness competitor on why she chose to study osteopathy at National Academy of Osteopathy:

I don’t remember a time in my life where sport, athletics, or health in general was not of importance to me. Since 7 years old I have been playing competitive soccer, dance, track and field, and eventually went on to compete in a recent fitness competition, my first bodybuilding show.

Throughout the years of competing, I grew an interest in how I can optimize my athletic performance. Through the help of coaches, I learned that proper nutrition, sleep, and a recovered body is the best approach to reaching your best as an athlete.

My mother has introduced me to the field of manual osteopathy, and as she described it, I instantly was intrigued. The benefits for athletes, including performance enhancing as well as injury prevention and treatment, was the reason I wanted to start this program.

Throughout the 12 months of studying at NAO, my sights slightly changed from athletic performance to more of a wellness approach. Through learning the benefits of visceral osteopathy, cranial sacral therapy, as well as the information in the course of clinical nutrition, I came to the realization that this was the field of osteopathy I wanted to pursue-over all wellness.

Through integrating soft tissue therapy, joint mobilization, visceral and cranial osteopathy, keeping the body in balance and the best state to heal is what I plan to do through my years as a manual osteopath.

Osteopathic Education for the hearing impaired

Due to our innovative advanced teaching methods, we have been able to introduce osteopathic education to the hearing and visually impaired individuals. Here is a post from Chanez Ouchene, a hearing impaired student (from Paris, France and now residing in Canada) of National Academy of Osteopathy on why she chose to study osteopathy with us:

“The art of gesture that relieves”

I have always loved the human body since childhood. I did not yet know what profession I will do. I knew one thing, that my handicap will make me barrage for certain trades. I have a disability: I’m deaf.

When I communicate with patients, the barrier is present, I read the lips of the patients and if I do not understand, we will either mime or we write on paper.

But thanks to this handicap, I have another sense that has developed: the touch and thanks to the touch, I manage to break the barrier that hangs between the patient and me.
Especially I can feel the body of the patient, his muscles, his bones.

It always requires much more effort, more concentration than a listener, but when this profession becomes a passion, one forgets all the difficulty of the handicap.

You feel stronger, you feel more helpful to help your patient.

What I also like about osteopathy is its originality of not using any medicine or instrument.

I looked for a school of osteopathy and the only school that seemed to me the best was NAO. I feel that this school is listening to each student and allows you to evolve to the maximum, and my handicap did not disturb them which seemed logical to go to them and I thank them very much for being able to make me discover this magnificent trade.

Athletic Therapists Love Osteopathy!

We have many athletic therapists as alumni. Here is a post by National Academy of Osteopathy student certified athletic therapist Marylene Audet, B. Eng., CAT(C), CSCS, FMS2 (from Montreal, Quebec) on why she chose to study osteopathie:

Initially trained as an Aerospace Engineer and now an Athletic Therapist, I found a true passion for the challenges of understanding complex systems from a functional perspective.

The rich set of manual techniques available to the manual osteopath allows a more exhaustive evaluation of the clients to maintain a delicate balance between all the functions of the body and the person as a whole.

What really attracted me to this profession is the gentle, respectful, thoughtful healing touch. One that is rationally exercised to achieve better mind-body movement.

From the fast pace of an Athletic Therapist life, osteopathy is an invitation to reconnect with Nature, appreciate the gift that was given to me: a passion to aid my client reach a balanced life and well-being.

Kinesiologists love osteopathy!

We have many kinesiologists as alumni. Here is a post from kinesiologist Tyler Butt, from Newfoundland:

After learning and practicing techniques at the National Academy of Osteopathy I can with great pride say that this school has provided me with a significant amount of potential to help injured people in the work force.

Dr. Pourgol, along with his amazing staff and professors, presented me with a tremendous amount of knowledge, skills, ideas, and useful business marketing techniques that I will cherish for a lifetime. Dr. Pourgol’s lectures regarding Business Management and Clinical Ethics were a lot of information to take in but after watching and learning I can definitely see why this man has become as successful as he is.

Did you know 56% of our alumni are high school graduates without prior health education?

Kurina Muller, a 20 years old student of National Academy of Osteopathy from Fort Saint John, British Columbia (Canada) is one of them. Here she writes about why she chose to study osteopathy:

When I began my journey to find my ideal career, I never expected it would be in the world of medicine. There were many factors that influenced my decision to become a manual osteopath, including the type of people I would be working with, the ability to still continue my education after years of working in the same field, and the general philosophies and principles behind the profession. That’s what I was looking for: a profession. Not a 9 – 5 job that I would mentally clock out of an hour early, but a career that I was proud to say I was a part of; something I looked forward to and something I would continue to look forward to in ten years time.

There are countless career choices, but very few that involve the flexibility and modifiable aspects like osteopathy. It involves working one- on- one with patients, but not in the rushed manner that many medical professions present. As a manual osteopath we are taught to utilize our time with every patient; always adding a little extra time to each appointment to ensure the patient leaves with the reassurance that they have been treated with the best care possible. While being in a tight time- frame may keep you on your toes, at the end of the day I enjoy the feeling that I was thorough and complete with what I accomplished.

In addition to a relaxed work environment, as a manual osteopath the possibilities are endless. With experience you can open your own clinic, work alongside MDs, chiropractors, and other therapists, assist professional athletes in their abilities to remain active, or even just work out of your home. You can also gear your client base to suit your personal preferences, instead of spending hours treating patients while your mind wonders elsewhere. Receiving your manual osteopathy license opens you to a world of potential, with nothing holding you back.

The job of a manual osteopath includes much problem- solving. From one patient to another, one part of the body to the next, each contains their own set of complications and complexities to treat or work around. The brain is a muscle too, and needs to be exercised just as much as any other part of the body, and a job that constantly keeps me problem- solving is a job that makes the work day fly by.

The final quality that drew me to osteopathy was the holistic approach, while also consisting of a solid scientific foundation. As a manual osteopath, you can continue on to obtaining a DO (doctor of osteopathy) degree, or expand your knowledge in the medical field by studying other types of therapies and applying them in your practice. No matter what direction you decide to go with osteopathy, there will always be a patient somewhere who will utilize and appreciate your expertise.

As a 20 year old just joining the working and medical word, the possibilities and places osteopathy will take me in my future are the very reason I chose it. Without tying me down to a dead end job, osteopathy keeps me excited to see where I will be ten months from now, and eager to discover where I will be ten years from now.

Did you know there are about 2000 osteopathic manual practitioners in the states?

American therapist, Johanna Kenworthy (currently living in Montreal, Canada) is one of them. This is part of a post she published about why she chose to study osteopathy at NAO.

I needed a strong curriculum, accreditation, plus a manageable time frame and affordable fees. I also needed a program that I could integrate into my already busy schedule. Although I found many options only the National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO) met all of my criteria.

Not only is the NAO’s Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice a recognized professional accreditation in Canada but it expands my ability to bring a new knowledgeable, balanced, well-rounded approach to my clients back in the US. The training I’m receiving in osteopathy-specific manual techniques is an aspect of treatment that was missing in my practice prior to attending the NAO.

Through the connections of NAO immediately together we found an internship at a health and fitness clinic in Montreal, BTT West Island where Frederic Koomsatira, who is a former student of the NAO programming, owns and operates a student clinic out of his business. His clinic has been a refreshing and comforting place to be working side by side with other NAO practitioners in various programs.

I’ve continued working in the US to fulfill the hands on criteria of our program at my personal office as well as the student clinic in Montreal while taking online courses. In Quebec the language criteria is that everyone speaks French in order to work and you guessed right, I don’t speak French.

Thanks to Fred and his clinic once again where most clients are bilingual and our ability to understand one another is one step closer to their health and well being! I feel blessed to have had as many opportunities as barriers cross my path these past six months.

Our Interns Offer Miracles on Daily Basis!

Osteopathy does miracles in treating chronic cases. Here is a letter we received from a patient who was treated by NAO intern, Dr Liz Ordonez at National Academy of Osteopathy teaching clinic in Toronto. Dr Ordonez was a veterinarian physician in Mexico who changed her career to osteopathy after moving to Canada.

To whom it may concern:

I’m writing this letter to show my appreciation for the commitment and knowledge Doctor Liz Ordonez Trujillo has been showing in my treatment past few weeks.

I came to your clinic with knee arthritis and pain. After her treatments not only my pain has disappeared but also I was able to resume my jogging. The benefit I have got was significant enough to pursuit me to drive from Oakville to get treatments for my neck pain and rotator cuff tear.

Again thank you for the commitment and excellent service. I have been spreading the word that your clinic and Lisa has been nothing short of amazing.

Best Regards,
Mohsen Zehtabchi

A beautiful post by Nathan Lambert, one of Professor Pourgol’s students in St Catharines, Ontario (Canada):

Dr. Pourgol, I owe you everything!

Through your online lectures you taught me to love myself, have faith in myself and what I can accomplish!

Now life obviously isn’t just fixed, and “the blur” won’t ever just disappear, but a love for Osteopathy has pushed me to heal my soul so that I can better impact others. The core Osteopathic idea that structure governs function speaks to more than just the practice but now to my life. Because of Osteopathy I have my life.

Chiropractors love osteopathy!

We have many chiropractors who join us to study osteopathy. Dr Liza Egbogah, DC, DOMP studied chiropractic at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College followed by osteopathy at the National Academy of Osteopathy. Dr Egbogah owns a multidisciplinary clinic in Toronto (Canada) as well as a line of stylish orthopedic shoes that are fashionable while being comfortable (http://www.drlizaegbogah.com/dr-liza-pump/). These pumps have been showcased on numerous TV shows in Canada. Many celebrities are her clients. We are proud to have her as our alumna.

Here is what Dr Egbogah posted on her blog about why she chose to study osteopathy:

The main reason I chose to pursue osteopathy instead of chiropractic is that while chiropractic focuses primarily on spinal manipulation, osteopathy involves head to toe treatment to help the body work more efficiently. Whether someone has a wrist fracture, back pain or a knee injury, manual osteopaths will treat the entire body to optimize functioning. I have always felt that with the multitude of interconnections in the body, addressing the entire system is the only way to effectively treat.

I am happy that Honorable Justin Trudeau the prime minister of Canada and his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau write me once in a while! I received these letters recently:

Shawn, your hope, hard work and unwavering support have made it possible to make a real and positive difference in the lives of Canadians. (Justin)
It’s your support that has made this important progress possible — so thank you, Shawn. Justin and I couldn’t be more proud to be building this shared home — a better Canada — with you at our side. (Sophie)

Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD

Canadian Union of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners
National University of Medical Sciences (USA)
National University of Medical Sciences (Spain)
National Academy of Osteopathy (Canada)
Osteopathy TV

To become successful you must learn how to manage your business effectively.

To become successful you must learn how to manage your business effectively. That is why we teach our students everything we know about business. The result is that we graduate successful manual osteopaths. Our business management & life improvement lectures are quite popular with our students.

Physiotherapist Renee Soong traveled all the way from Malaysia to attend the on-campus Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice (D.O.M.P.) program of NAO in Toronto and we are so grateful for her dedication to study osteopathy. Here is part of the post she published about her education at NAO.

“After enrolling at National Academy of Osteopathy, I was amazed by the teaching method conducted by NAO which is entirely different compared to conventional method of teaching.
Therefore, it is easier to learn most of the subjects, especially practical sessions than learning in other learning institutions.
What I learnt the most from NAO is the life philosophies and business ideas shared by Dr Pourgol. This makes NAO unique compare to other institutions.”

Business Management & Self Improvement in Osteopathic Education

We offer more than osteopathic education. We graduate successful manual osteopaths because we teach them everything we know about business and self improvement. Here is an email received from one of Dr Pourgol’s students in Toronto (Ontario, Canada).

Hi Dr. Pourgol,
When I signed up to study Osteopathy through online studies I had no idea that I would gain more than Osteopathy knowledge. Ever since I watched the Schultz hour lecture in the Business management module my life has never been the same. I am a single mother of 3 and work in a hectic health setting and now deliberately take time every week to myself to relax and allow my Frontal Cortex to work. This has helped me not only to visualize how I want to pursue my career as a Manual Osteopath after graduation but also helped me put my personal life into perspective.
I will never forget this lecture and appreciate all you do to inspire us to think bigger than our current limitations.
Vez Nkomo

Registered massage therapist Amanda Marshall writes about NAO

I started to look at various school and which ones would be best to attend for the osteopathy program. I did my research and compared many of the schools and National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO) was the one I found to be the best.

I am currently an online student at NAO. I am definitely enjoying what I have learned so far, it is quite interesting. I love the new osteopathic techniques that I have been learning and the business side of things as well.

Based on what I have learned so far, I do feel like this school really prepares you and teaches you how to make more and keep more in your pocket instead of always having to dish out you hard working money.

World famous natural health expert

Registered massage therapist Rachel Orr, RMT writes about NAO

I knew I was not helping my clients to manage pain and symptoms in the most efficient and effective way possible, because there was so much more to know and a whole different way to think about it. Osteopathy was that magical knowledge that was just out of my grasp.

I had made a plan that after 5 years as an R.M.T. I would enroll in an Osteopathic college. The day had come and I enrolled to find out something even more magical had happened, and I was pregnant with my daughter.

I resolved that to get one dream, others have to put on hold or abandoned. After having children, time and money become obstacles that are harder to overcome than in our younger more “fancy-free” days. Plus, 4-5 years at an Osteopathic College, with a young child, not to mention the cost, and I was already down to part time as a massage therapist. It didn’t make sense anymore. The money and time were just not there. So I put my dream of being a Manual Osteopath to the back of my mind and that was that.

A few years later, a dear friend of mine reminded me of my long lost dream. Life had settled some, there was a little more time and a little more money, but again it still didn’t justify 4-5 years and the cost of a university education in my 40’s. Sometimes dreams just don’t get to come true.

My friend had found a school, National Academy of Osteopathy in North York, Ontario, and I could get my dream in 6 months full time or a year part time AND still work and be home with my daughter for a fraction of the cost of the 4 and 5 year schools? What?! Not possible I said! Can’t be true! I don’t believe it… what’s the catch? Can’t be a real school! It is, it really is. I called the Registrar (to the point of abuse!) to confirm it is indeed a real school and they condense the program so you can get it done and get your dream!

Dr. Shawn Pourgol loves osteopathy and wants you to take the program in its entirety in a condensed time frame so you can get out and work and share Osteopathy with the world. It’s a genius concept and I am so grateful. Without his forward thinking I would have missed out on a profession I have so deeply found meaning and success in!

Thank you Dr. Pourgol from the bottom of my heart. Your passion and forward thinking have allowed so many of us to gain this knowledge and make you proud.

To try it for yourself, please contact me at rachel.orr.rmt@gmail.com and let me introduce you to a whole new way of healing!

Our Students Provide Amazing Osteopathic Care!

We have a number of students who joined us after receiving a treatment from one of our alumni. Kinesiologist Matthew Bruce is one of them.

The way we teach osteopathy is unique and highly effective as we focus on techniques that are systematic, global and research proven. Here is what Matthew posted recently:

“I had a personal experience with chronic pain when I had a snowboarding accident and injured my knee. I tried different types of treatments but found Osteopathy very hands on and very different from the other health professions. There is a very high sense of care for the patients. It convinced me that this was the career I wanted to pursue.

I researched several schools and received treatments from their respective student clinics and chose the National Academy of Osteopathy’s (NAO) full time advanced program for my education.”

Our Alumni Have 98% Job Satisfaction Rate

Our graduates provide the best osteopathic care possible, as we focus on techniques that are systematic, global, and scientifically proven to be effective. Our alumni routinely help chronic last resort cases that could not be helped by other health professionals.

This is why our graduates have a 98% job satisfaction rate, the highest among all other health professionals.

Here is a post by Dr Ernest Makram, MD, DOMP, DO (Spain) (from Oakville, Ontario, Canada), a graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy & National University of Medical Sciences (Spain):

“Today I had a patient, a kinesiology graduate who works as an athletic therapist. This patient was treated regularly by a chiropractor and manual osteopath (not a graduate of NAO ), it was a challenge for me, but the response after I finished the session was “wow” (I wrote the word as it is said), I had a very good feeling that I was able to help this patient.”

Try manual osteopathy before surgery

Dr Mehrdad Darvish an orthopedic surgeon with post specialty fellowship in ankle & foot surgery from Germany is one of our osteopathy students.

In a post published recently, Dr Darvish mentions that since incorporating osteopathic care into his surgical practice, the number of surgeries as well as injections in his practice has decreased which not only decreases risks, surgical complications and pain for patients; it also reduces health care costs.

Osteopathy does wonders in treating chronic pain. Physicians & surgeons can cut a large number of invasive medical procedures by adding osteopathic care to their practices.

Here is the post from Dr Darvish:

I am Dr. Mehrdad Dervish, an orthopedic specialist from the University of Shahid Beheshti in Tehran, and a foot and ankle surgery, fracture and sports injury fellowship from Germany.

From 2012, I became acquainted with the discipline of osteopathy. Osteopathy is very effective in improving chronic pain, and can be very helpful in cases such as chronic low back pain or shoulder pain, and even pelvic and knee pain that do not respond to common treatments.

I use these techniques in my surgical practice to decrease the risk of surgery and its complications on my patients. These techniques can lower the cost of treatments for patients and eliminate potential dangers of surgery, such as infection and bleeding, anesthesia and hospitalization.

Patients are very pleased with osteopathy and even the use of injections have been reduced in my practice in some cases. This method is complementary to orthopedic techniques and is a substitute for more aggressive methods.

Did you know we help many International Medical Graduates work in Canada as health professionals?

It takes foreign graduated physiotherapists usually about five years to obtain a license to practice as a physiotherapist in Canada. Many of these IMGs choose to study osteopathy at National Academy of Osteopathy which enables them to start working after 6 months of osteopathic educations in Canada.

Many of these IMGs remain as manual osteopaths because with 98% rate, manual osteopaths have the highest job satisfaction of all other health professions. This is mainly due to the success of osteopathy in treating chronic last resort cases.

Here is a post from Elias, a foreign graduated physiotherapist who is an NAO student:

Like many immigrant healthcare professionals, the biggest barrier to practicing in this country is my lack of Canadian credentials. Although I arrived in Canada with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, a diploma in Rhythmic Massage, a lifetime of self-directed study and 20 years of practical therapeutic experience, the path to success remains elusive. I have found part-time work at an advanced health clinic in Toronto and take on private clients but without Canadian credentials my clients cannot claim my treatments for insurance purposes. I had to obtain the Canadian credentials that would build on my already considerable knowledge and experience as a therapist.

Through much research it became obvious that obtaining my credentials as a Manual Osteopathic Practitioner would be the perfect fit. This gentle, effective, supportive therapy integrated with the other techniques that I use would be of great benefit to my clients. Finding the appropriate school was the next step. I needed a strong curriculum, accreditation, plus a manageable time frame and affordable fees. I had to continue working while I attended the courses so I also needed a program that I could integrate into my already busy schedule. Although I found many options available only the National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO) met all of my criteria.

My recent participation in the NAO’s accelerated six month program is just what I required. Not only is the NAO’s Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice a recognized professional accreditation in Canada but it expands my ability to bring a knowledgeable, balanced, well-rounded approach to my clients. The training I’m receiving in osteopathy-specific manual techniques is an aspect of treatment that was missing in my practice prior to attending the NAO.

The ability to safely and effectively relieve my client’s pain by manipulating their joints using these new osteopathy methods adds another tool in my kit as a therapist. I am already able to integrate these new techniques into my client’s treatment sessions with measurable results.

I have never felt comfortable with the business aspect of my work. I always felt a mild anxiety whenever I had to deal with money or paperwork concerning my practice. Through the many business lectures at the NAO I am learning key components that clarify my understanding of best practices and stress the logical steps that are required to running a successful business in Canada. The strong business component at the NAO is foundational and helping me chart a manageable course so I can take my therapeutic practice to the next level with confidence.

Osteopathy’s emphasis on the interrelationship between the structure and function of the body strengthens my ability to assist my clients and ensures they receive the best care and optimal relief from their symptoms. The osteopathy-specific techniques of manual manipulation and massage of the bones, muscles, and joints is enhancing my ability to not only diagnose but to effectively treat my clients. The application of these techniques coupled with solid business practices is providing the sound foundation that I require to offer the optimal healthcare benefits and financial experience my clients expect.


Did you know we have alumni in 68 countries including Vietnam?

We have expanded osteopathy to more countries than any other school in the past 140 years. Here is a post from one of our students in Vietnam.

My name is Stephane Laporte. I live in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I am a DOMP from NAO and a BSc (O) and DO (Spain) from NUMSS. I am also a Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM) and a Certified Triathlon Coach (ITCA).
To me, finding a recognized school was of primordial importance. The quality of the teaching is primordial. Over the 4 years that I have spent with the National Academy of Osteopathy and the National University of Medical Sciences, I have seen teachers that gave me a strong will to study and some highly skilled professors who would always challenge me to study more. I am now stuck in that routine of self-education, on top of the materials provided by the school, and I love it! I learn everyday more and more fascinating things and feel like I understand the body so much better than I thought. Or more like: I understand how much I didn’t understand the human body before.

I enjoyed that the first year, the online videos were posted in a structured daily manner, to ease into this new contemporary way of learning. I enjoyed that the hours were flexible due to the distance learning nature of the program I chose. However, this did not mean less hours of studying at all!

I still have a few hours to do to complete my 1,000 hours of clinical training, but I was lucky enough to have attended many workshops and trainings in clinics available in my region.

What I didn’t expect was very useful business education, how to set up a clinic, how to manage it and cope with the legal aspects of it. It’s so important, because once you’ve graduated, what do you do? You need to have a plan so you can use your talents in real life. If you can’t fill up the paperwork to be able to legally work, all those skills you’ve spent so much time to learn might go to waste. The University makes sure you are not alone, with a strong business education and a solid and hyperactive alumni network.

Our 2nd Student Working in a Hospital

We have many students working in hospitals as physiotherapists & physicians. However until now we just had one student who was working as an osteopath in a hospital in UAE. Now we found out another student, Stéphane Laporte, DOMP, DO (a graduate of National University of Medical Sciences & National Academy of Osteopathy) has secured a position as an osteopath in Vietnam. We are so proud of him!

This is an email sent today to Dr Pourgol by Stephane:
This email is to send you a heartfelt thank you for your guidance in the field of Osteopathy. Thanks to you and your education, I am now working in a major JCI accredited hospital in the physical therapy and rehabilitation department. It’s a great experience, working in a team of therapists. This is of course the very beginning, and I look forward to grow fast in personal development and to apply the lessons from the NAO business lectures.”

If you are thinking of getting into manual therapy

If you are thinking of getting into manual therapy, I highly suggest checking out the National Academy of Osteopathy, the best education I have received thus far in my life! I am so glad I chose this school to further my education.

Samer Naoum
National Academy of Osteopathy student- Kuwait

Thank you Samer for the wonderful post. We are grateful to you all for choosing NAO for your osteopathic education.

Migraine gone after 18 years with osteopathic care after all other therapies failed!

Osteopathy does miracles in treating chronic pain. No other profession is as effective in treating chronic pain as osteopathy.

Here is a testimonial from a patient that was treated by manual osteopath Trevor Cragg (a graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy, and current student of the doctor of osteopathy (DO) program of National University of Medical Sciences. Trevor practices in Uxbridge, Ontario at Balanced Body Osteopathy (https://www.facebook.com/BalancedBodyOsteopathy).

Here is the testimonial:
As a sufferer of severe migraines for over 18 years, I had tried pretty much everything in search of finding pain relief. From traditional medicine to massage, chiropractor, acupuncture, reike, reflexology, diets, homeopathic medicine, and bowen. Over the last few years the migraines had increased in frequency of up to three times per week with a soaring pain scale that left me in bed, feeling debilitated and unable to do anything. I was desperate to find something to relieve this pain. Just before hearing about Trevor, I was sent to another neurologist who, after reading my file, decided I needed to go on anti-seizure medication. This is something I did not want to do and I was feeling hopeless. A co-worker and her husband both recommended I go see Trevor Cragg at Balanced Body Osteopathy. Since osteopathy was something I had never tried before I was ready to give it a shot. Within the first few treatments that I had with Trevor, I felt a substantial amount of change and relief from pain. Over the course of my cranial treatments, Trevor released all of the tension in the back my neck and made gentle corrections to my cranial structure. After each treatment, I noticed major improvements and the overall intensity of my migraines drastically decreased. After 18 years of pain, I am now finally gaining my life back and am on no medication whatsoever. My only regret is that I wish I had gone to see him sooner. Thank you Trevor for caring, explaining and answering all my questions along the way. I highly recommend anyone, who experiences migraines or has had any type of head trauma, to seek cranial treatments from Trevor. It has made a world of difference for me. Thank you Trevor.

Lisa Black, RVT

A post by American athlete, personal trainer and osteopathic manual practitioner, Chaynade Knowles (from Texas), an alumna of National Academy of Osteopathy :

So it has been a long road. I graduated with my diploma from NAO in 2015 …… Manual osteopathy is my field and it is what I love to do…….I chose NAO, and I do not regret a thing. These schools while young are growing like wild fire and I am so excited to have been there for the beginning years. If you are looking for a school of well rounded students, with people that want to learn and teachers that have a passion for teaching then check them out.
So I say goodbye to Chaynade Knowles and say hello to Chaynade Knowles Doctor of Osteopathy of Spain, Manual Practitioner.

President of British Columbia Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners writes about NAO:

Business Lectures at NAO are the BEST!

Hi all,

While studying Manual Osteopathy at The National Academy of Osteopathy, in Toronto, ON, I was fortunate to get online access to the Manual Osteopathy Practice: Business, law, Jurisprudence lectures by Dr. Pourgol. While NAO has a number of great teachers from diverse backgrounds, Dr. Pourgol’s Business and Ethics Lectures are the most interesting and directly applicable lectures I’ve ever seen.

These lectures provide a wealth of information on every aspect of running a health industry business, from how to structure the business to how to deal with common, or potentially difficult, situations. The many lectures on marketing and advertising makes finding clients easy, so filling my practice only took a few months (rather than a few years).

Mark MacKenzie, DOMP (Graduated 2015)
Golden, BC

A Post from an NAO Student in Toronto :

The National Academy of Osteopathy is one of the best schools in Canada if not the world which teaches the techniques of Manual Osteopathy.

I attended the school via on-line courses and graduated in September 2016. I did get a real feeling for all of the professors who were always available to answer questions. Their expertise was evident in the preparation of their lectures and the practical aspects of the courses. For me the program was difficult, challenging, inspiring and eye-opening.

One of my favorite teachers although I was impressed with all of them, was Dr. Ari Chow. Her command of her subject: Anatomy was inspiring and she was so enthusiastic that she made the topic so interesting. It turned out to be my most difficult subject and one that will always interest me.

I really enjoyed the Director- Dr. Shawn Pourgol and was always telling my friends about his business ideas and his adventures. His lectures and demonstrations were comprehensive and challenging and his school requires a real commitment from the students but in the end it is so rewarding.

Frances Galszechy, DOMP
Toronto, ON, Canada

A letter from NAO graduate, Michaela Von Pfetten, DOMP:

Dear Dr. Pourgol,

Thank you again, for everything. Your lectures and instructions have been motivating and inspirational. The great atmosphere on campus carried and encouraged me. Everyone is always friendly and humorous, helpful, understanding and kind.

I appreciate your dedication to us, your students, tremendously. Whenever I had questions or concerns, you were available. Your business lectures are invaluable and truly priceless and I have been following them from day one.

I am honoured and happy to continue my studies with the DO program. The students I know who are also taking the DO program have only the best things to say about it. I am excited!

I think it was on the first or second lecture that you encouraged us to make a vision board. I made mine right away and the biggest picture was a print out of you and a former student, holding his diploma. One day, I knew, I was going to replace that picture with one of you and me, and my diploma. Mission accomplished, Sir!

There is a proverb along the lines of “people forget what you said to them but they will never forget how you made them feel” (or similar). With you, dear Dr. Pourgol, I will never forget the things you said, and I will never forget how you made me feel: You made me feel that I can do it! And so I did!

With gratitude and a big smile,


Thank you Dani. You are amazing!

One of our top students in London (Ontario, Canada), manual osteopath Dani Reid, DOMP made such a great impression on one of her patients that made her enrol with us to study osteopathy!

Additionally Dani took this student, Janine Noorloos under her wings to practice techniques with her. Janine told us today about this. When Dr Pourgol contacted Dani to thank her, this is what she answered:

“Janine was an MVA client from a year ago. She had concussion and migraines that was affecting her violin playing. She ended up getting full ride scholarship to Laurier University for music AND business. She told me however she really wanted to be a manual osteopath because of time spent with me while getting better. Receiving that was one of the best moments of my life. I can only imagine how many emails like that you must get in a week Dr Pourgol. I try to teach her and be very supportive like how you approach. I can’t wait for her to meet you! Thanks for being such a positive energy and example.”

Students like Dani make us so proud. They are truly our ambassadors. We have many students who enrolled to study osteopathy at NAO after being treated by our alumni. Our alumni are the best manual osteopaths in the world!

Nova Scotia Kinesiologist / manual osteopath writes about NAO:

Studying at NAO changed my life, for the best. While choosing career options in this field, I found NAO. Living in a small rural Nova Scotia town (Clare), I saw myself moving to another province in order to become a manual osteopath.

What I liked the most about NAO is that I was able to apply for the accelerated online program as I was a Kinesiologist. The best part about NAO wasn`t the long distance education but the interaction with professors and mentors from the school. They were all so helpful and they wanted to make sure you exceeded in the program. I had started my program in the spring session, March 2016 and graduated with a diploma in manual osteopathy in August 2016.

The course that was most valuable to me was the business management and ethics classes. I was most scared in taking these two classes from my entire program as I had no prior experience or knowledge about business management. The professor teaching these classes was also the director of NAO, Dr. Shawn Pourgol. His teaching style was the reason I loved the classes so much, they were straight to the point and everything had clear explanations.

This summer I plan on making a big move to another province and starting my career as a manual osteopath.

Cheryl Pothier, DOMP

A post from National Academy of Osteopathy student, Jackelyn Hurtado:

My professor, Dr.Pourgol is a man whom I truly admire. He opened National Academy of Osteopathy and expanded manual osteopathy tremendously. Thanks to him, manual osteopathy is being taught in 68 countries!

I have been practicing the manual osteopathy techniques on my dad and 2 days ago, he told me that the chronic back pain he felt, he could no longer feel. He was more shocked than ever because he thought he would be living with this pain for the rest of his life. We were both overjoyed and I was so happy that as his daughter, I helped ease his pain. My heart was filled with happiness. The look on my dads face was truly heartwarming. Also, I truly am grateful that my good friend, Nicholas Zancai introduced me to NAO and the world of manual osteopathy. I already tell him enough times how happy and grateful I am.

Again, Dr.Pourgol thank you so much for being an amazing teacher and teaching many individuals manual osteopathy. You truly are helping many people around the world.

Kinesiologist writes about NAO:

Choosing National Academy of Osteopathy was the best choice for me.

Dr. Pourgol is always encouraging and passionate about his students being successful and shares every bit of knowledge he has to help us succeed. Also you always have the professor and teaching assistants there with you to learn the correct way to do all techniques. Plus you have flexibility with the way you want to approach each course since all material is there online when you need it. Beyond that, the Business classes stand out for me the most since they teach you how to continue your success and build the best practice you can as a manual osteopath beyond graduation. Menashe Rakhamimov
Maple, Ontario

Why am I the happiest teacher in the world?

Because I have the best students in the world! Students who listen to my business lectures, then implement what I teach to become successful.

Including osteopath, Ann Shivas, DOMP, from Montreal, a past member of the National Soccer Team of Canada, who this week celebrated her birthday in Paris, France! And this is what she wrote me after I wished her a happy birthday:

“Thank you Dr. Wouldn’t have been able to go without your business lectures! 🙂 ”

Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD
Manual Osteopath

Registered massage therapist & manual osteopath, Shannon Donison, RMT, DOMP (from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) writes why she chose NAO:

…………….My research in schools led me to the National Academy of Osteopathy. I did look at the other schools in Canada as well, but they were set up as a part time program in which students attended 1 week about 6-8 times per year, over 4-5 years. I debated going that route, but in the end decided to do the full time study program with NAO, an online program with hands on practical training at the end.

Yes, online learning is extremely effective even in this type of training, contrary to what some people may think…………….The NAO education portal is set up fantastically, with great video lectures, all of which have been updated recently, and more videos are added on an ongoing basis. With online education I get to work at my own pace, and if I need to watch a lecture over again, I can do so as many times as I like.

One of the things that I love about the NAO founder, Dr. Shawn Pourgol, is that at various times throughout the year he will allow access to the education portal for alumni, so that we can review and watch the latest additions and updated lectures. Very generous, and without the online side of the school, not possible.

The Visceral class was the one that I really had a hard time getting into initially, the hardest of all of them actually. But then, along came Dr. Oleg Bagrin, and a whole new series of video lectures! That was a total turnaround, and a fantastic addition to the curriculum, as he is a great teacher. I’m looking forward to watching all of his video lectures again, and learning more from him in the future, so I can apply these techniques in my practice.


Fitness trainer, Shannon Uppington, from Orangeville (Ontario, Canada) writes about why she chose National Academy of Osteopathy:

….Choosing to study at NAO has to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. The hands on classes and the online videos have allowed me to practice and study at my own pace and get help when I need it. I have learned so much in my time at NAO and I am excited to go to class each day.

The professors are all very knowledgeable, passionate and personable. It has been an incredible experience to learn from them. The experience that I am also gaining in the clinical component has been amazing.

Aside from the lectures on osteopathy, exercise, biomechanics and more, the business lectures are second to none. Each lecture provides you with many valuable tips that you can use to help build your dream business after graduation – I cannot wait to start using them!

I have nothing but positive things to say about NAO. Each class my passion for my new profession grows. I would recommend Osteopathy and NAO to anyone who is interested in a career in the health and wellness industry, I guarantee you will not be disappointed!


A beautiful message from student Gail MacDonald from Hamilton (Ontario,Canada):

“Dr. Pourgol, I came across a quote today that I would like to share with you:

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” William Arthur Ward. You sir, inspire!!”

Acupuncturist / manual osteopath Jaimy Chua from Kitchener (Ontario, Canada) writes about NAO & Dr Pourgol:

My education at NAO has really changed my practice and is a great complement to my already existing skill set as an Acupuncturist. Patients are seeing great results and I am so thankful to have studied at NAO.

What I found most interesting of my education there is the marketing and business classes. I learned quickly going into practice that without these essential skills, I couldn’t help anyone, no matter how great of a practitioner I am. Dr. Pourgol was the catalyst to help change my headspace and really bring my practice to another level. He is forward-thinking, cares for his students and is an inspiring person. In my opinion, just the marketing/business classes alone is worth the tuition.

I am forever grateful!


Kinesiologist & manual osteopath, Tiffanie Bruneau, BKIN, DOMP, from Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada) writes about why she chose to study osteopathy:

…..Choosing osteopathy as a profession has been the single most ‘right’ decision I have made in my pursuit of finding a career I can be proud and happy to do every day…… I found the National Academy of Osteopathy had the best options for me with my current education, I spoke with my fiancé and asked if we could hold off our wedding so that I could pursue my diploma in osteopathic manual therapy! He agreed this was an invaluable opportunity and I sent in my application. I was accepted and began my studies!……..

To read the full article please click on the link below:


Morgan Nicholson writes about why she chose to study at NAO:

……….After looking into a few schools in Ontario I chose the National Academy of Osteopathy (NAO) for my post grad education. NAO has been a great place to learn and I am lucky to be a part of a community that I know will continue to support each other in our careers long after graduation…….

Student From Kuwait Writes about NAO:

Samer Naoum, A National Academy of Osteopathy student from Kuwait posted this today on his Facebook. We are always glad to hear from happy students!

“From an Online NAO DOMP program student from Kuwait, I just want to share, 2 months into the program and I am absolutely loving it, the expansion of knowledge on the human body is amazing and the flexibility of learning with the on-demand access to the content with the hard drive is just perfect!”

MIGRAINE gone after one OSTEOPATHIC treatment:

What our alumni do seem like a miracle sometimes.

We just found out manual osteopath Nicholas Zancai, DOMP a graduate of National Academy of Osteopathy and one of its teacher assistants, treated a patient in Burlington (Ontario, Canada) who was suffering from migraine. Right after first osteopathic session the migraine was completely cured 100%.

This patient had seen his family physician, a chiropractor and a number of other health professionals without result. He was referred to Nicholas and got cured in one session.

This is the power of osteopathy. We hear cases like this all the time from patients of our alumni.

Nicholas receives a lot of referrals from massage therapists, physiotherapists, naturopaths and family physicians because of his ability to treat chronic pain. He is fully booked until June 2017. There is a month long waiting list for patients to make an appointment with him. He charges $110 per hour of osteopathic care. His fee is set to increase to $140 per hour in near future.

Thank you Nicholas! You make us so proud!

Our student writes about benefits of online education & the external hard drive

Canadian manual osteopath & registered massage therapist, Thomas Andrew practices in Bermuda, charging $400 Canadian ($300 US) for 90 minutes of osteopathic care. Thomas is a graduate of the National Academy of Osteopathy and is currently taking the doctor of osteopathy program of National University of Medical Sciences (Spain).


I am so happy I have my classes on new hard drive…there are benefits to having classes stored. In a classroom setting it’s a one shot deal. The lecture happened, its over whether you get it or not….I can get my professor to repeat his words and demonstrations over and over for ever…without driving him crazy…I think students can learn more from their lectures in this manner ….there is a positive side to everything ….getting the hard drive was the best move I could make. No freezing sputtering and frustration….some lectures I listen through a wireless headset as I do chores ….the very best..for many years to come…

$400 per 90 minutes of osteopathic care:

National Academy of Osteopathy graduate, manual osteopath & registered massage therapist Thomas Andrew seen here with NAO president, Dr Shawn Pourgol in April 06, 2016, charges $300 US (about $400 Canadian) per 90 minutes of Osteopathic care provided to cash patients.

Thomas is a Canadian who practices in the island of Bermuda.

Previously the record of highest fee charged was by an NAO graduate practicing in London (Ontario) who charged $270 (Canadian) per hour

Congratulations Thomas. We are so proud of you.

A post from an NAO student:

Really enjoying the program so far. Positive life change for sure 🙂

Karen Lynch
National Academy of Osteopathy student
St John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador (Canada)

A beautiful letter from a National Academy of Osteopathy student. ?

Dr. Pourgol,
I can honestly say that you are one of the nicest and most caring professors I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Your words of encouragement and willingness to help are so inspirational. Not to mention your teaching abilities!
Thank you so much for everything!
Melissa Devers

A beautiful post from a National Academy of Osteopathy student.

We just came across a wonderful post on Facebook by NAO student, Bradley Meyers. He’s currently taking the practical classes at the National Academy of Osteopathy, which Dr Pourgol and other professors are teaching this week at our York University Heights campus. We are so grateful for this show of love—it really energizes us and fuels our passion for helping others. Here’s what he had to say:

My experience at NAO has been unlike any other school I have ever attended!
The passion and energy that Dr. Shawn Pourgol emits is exceptional! He really is one of a kind, working towards making the world a better brighter place. First time in my life I think I can honestly say that I have a man crush. ❤️Keep up the good work Dr. You really are a blessing to this world! Thank you for everything you do!