Our 12 Years Anniversary

Our 12 Years Anniversary

I founded National Academy of Osteopathy (Canada) 12 years ago this month. NAO changed my life as it introduced me to the profession of teaching. From a small school it went to become the largest school of manual osteopathy in the world with alumni in 72 countries. Now most manual osteopaths in Canada, the United States and many other countries are NAO graduates.

This happened because I focused on creating wealthy manual osteopaths. I taught them all I knew about business and made our education focused on chronic pain which is very hard to treat. I knew if my students become financially successful the profession gets expanded worldwide, which is my goal in life. I want to ensure every town has a manual osteopath as my students do wonders treating chronic pain and people deserve to have a safe, alternative, pain free system of treating chronic pain.

Focusing on chronic pain and wealth creation worked greatly. My students have now annual income of $150,000 which is $60,000 more than what other manual osteopaths make per year.

I am grateful to God for allowing me to create NAO (Canada) and to expand the beautiful profession of manual osteopathy worldwide.

Dr. Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD
NAO President