Did you know National Academy of Osteopathy has more technique instructors and teaches more techniques than any other school of osteopathy in Canada?

Did you know National Academy of Osteopathy has more technique instructors and teaches more techniques than any other school of osteopathy in Canada?

Manual osteopath & registered massage therapist Grace So, RCRT, RMT, DOMP seen in the photos below is one of our 45 instructors.
Our DOMP program, with over 2260 hours of education is one of the most in-dept osteopathy programs in Canada. Our DOMP is applied, practical and clinically oriented. NAO graduates can join the College of Registered Manual Osteopaths to become an RMO which gives them the ability to bill most extended health plan insurers in Canada.
You can study osteopathy anywhere but to become a successful manual osteopath, there is only NAO.