NAO would not be what it is now without Dr. Amir Kazemi

NAO would not be what it is now without Dr. Amir Kazemi

I love all our faculty members at National Academy of Osteopathy. But I am specially fond of Dr. Amir Kazemi. He was my student 11 years ago in the first class of NAO and later on at National University of Medical Sciences (Spain). In all this time, during up and down of our work, he stood by NAO and helped it become the largest school of manual osteopathy in Canada.
One of his projects was changing the DOMP program from 4 months full time to 6 months full time and later on, 12 months full time. Even though we were nervous about changing the DOMP, we trusted his judgement, implement it and found it to be a great decision which elevated the education NAO provides. This change made NAO eligible to join a number of associations followed by approval of most insurers in Canada.
Dr Kazemi is one of the most dedicated employees I have ever had and I am blessed and grateful to God for having him with us.
Thank you Dr. Kazemi for a decade of amazing work for NAO. We all love you.
Dr. Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD
NAO president